March 23rd Meeting

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A very high energy gathering tonight with spirited speeches from three veterans. We learned of God’s Country nestled in the South of India named Kerala. Followed by a speech with plenty of pizzazz on juggling, where even the novice could learn juggling, with practice. The speeches were rounded off by (what? a second ice breaker?) on the importance on providing the right environment for learning and success.

The theme this evening was “allergies” due to the wonderful Spring allergies many of us suffer from. The word of the day was: Conundrum – co-nun-drum - a riddle or difficult problem. The word was used perfectly throughout the meeting, by not only table topics speakers, but others as well. The word "conundrum" was even woven into one of the prepared speeches we heard tonight.

Each helper performed their roles above expectation ensuring participants identified areas of opportunity and providing ways of improving in each area of opportunity, such as posture, grammar, timing, listening and general mastery of the English language.

Please join us next Monday (3/30) and grow and mature your communication and leadership skills.

Ribbon winners

5-Star Helper: Mickey
Best Evaluator: Robi
Best Table Topics: Ann
Best of the Big 3: Jyo
Best Speaker: Dean
Sparkplug: Ed