April 20th Meeting

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Life is a wayfaring journey with many destinations along the way. Once we land in one destination, life continues and we have to plan for the next destination. If you’re not doing what you love then learn to love what you do because life is a journey.

If you couldn’t tell “Life – The Journey” was the theme for tonight’s meeting. We had a packed room tonight full of members and guests. The word of the day (WOTD), “wayfaring [wey-fair-ing] – traveling, especially on foot” was very appropriate and the word was used brilliantly throughout the evening.

Our helpers were on top of their game tonight. Sameera used an especially fitting quote for her listener role. The quote was from Stephen Covey who said:

“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply…”  - Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (pub. 1989)

Also tonight we were privileged enough to have three new applicants who were voted in as members. Special congratulations to our three newest members voted in tonight!!! Congratulations and welcome to the best club in town (or anywhere)!

As you can see (read), here at Preston Pursuaders we learn and grow into decorated, experienced speakers and leaders.

Ribbon Winners

5 Star Helper: Sameera
Best Evaluator: Jeff
Best Table Topics: Eileen
Best of Big 3: Chris
Best Speaker: Paree
Sparkplug: Mark

April 13th Meeting

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Another fantastic meeting tonight with lots of guests. The theme was "taxation" and hopefully everyone had a better experience than I did with your taxes, LOL!

Our speakers were Don, Alpa and Ann. The word of the day (WOTD), “onus” – used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility.

Toastmasters is a invaluable program to improve not only your public speaking but also overall communications and leadership skill. Here you will gain the tools and knowledge to succeed in anything, at any organization.

Our helpers will assist you in identifying opportunity areas and recommend ways to improve or take advantage of your existing strengths.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting Monday (4/20).

Ribbon Winners

5 Star Helper: Sheri
Best Evaluator: Jyo
Best Table Topics: Eileen
Best of the Big 3: Max
Best Speaker: Ann
Sparkplug: Susan

March 30th Meeting

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A fun meeting tonight with plenty of laughs and energy. The theme of Spring was perfect, with Spring in the air, as we enter the Genesis of a new year and season.  We heard two fantastic speeches tonight.

First up was a very well organized, clear and concise speech on design elements by Alpa where we learned about composition, positive and negative elements. Next up, a talented speaker with an important message, such as the world is synergized by the many talented and hardworking and not just the few “super stars” of the world.

The word of the day (WOTD), “genesis” went very well with the Spring theme. Genesis (noun) – jen-uh-sis – beginning, or origin. The word was used in creative ways throughout the meeting including a reference to the awesome 80-90’s band, Genesis and the Hyundai Genesis automobile.

We had a lot of fun and laughs. The helpers gave some great tips on how to approach areas of improvement, such as hand movements and posture. We also learned how to improve grammar as well as other opportunity areas.

We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting Monday (4/6) for fun, laughs and good times.

Ribbon Winners

5 Star Helper: Danielle
Best Evaluator: Chris
Best Table Topics: Mickey
Best of the Big 3: Ann
Best Speaker: Alpa
Sparkplug: Shiny

March 23rd Meeting

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A very high energy gathering tonight with spirited speeches from three veterans. We learned of God’s Country nestled in the South of India named Kerala. Followed by a speech with plenty of pizzazz on juggling, where even the novice could learn juggling, with practice. The speeches were rounded off by (what? a second ice breaker?) on the importance on providing the right environment for learning and success.

The theme this evening was “allergies” due to the wonderful Spring allergies many of us suffer from. The word of the day was: Conundrum – co-nun-drum - a riddle or difficult problem. The word was used perfectly throughout the meeting, by not only table topics speakers, but others as well. The word "conundrum" was even woven into one of the prepared speeches we heard tonight.

Each helper performed their roles above expectation ensuring participants identified areas of opportunity and providing ways of improving in each area of opportunity, such as posture, grammar, timing, listening and general mastery of the English language.

Please join us next Monday (3/30) and grow and mature your communication and leadership skills.

Ribbon winners

5-Star Helper: Mickey
Best Evaluator: Robi
Best Table Topics: Ann
Best of the Big 3: Jyo
Best Speaker: Dean
Sparkplug: Ed

March 9th Meeting

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We had a very fun and exciting meeting, even more fun than in recent memory! The speeches were inspiring, funny, brilliant and interesting. Janak P., who won Best Speaker, entertained us with dramatic and exciting poetry quoting Lewis Carrol’s, Jabberwocky while Alpa A., in her ice breaker, confidently inspired us to find courage in believing in and being ourselves. Chris J. gave us a fresh glimpse into the hearts and minds of Americans in his speech about Transcendentalism.

The theme for tonight’s meeting was “Key Differentiator” (what is your brand?). The word of the day (WOTD) was: Preeminent – pre-em-uh-nuh-nt (adj) – surpassing, superior, eminent above all others The theme was perfect for the very active Preston Pursuaders club. Our President, Mark, announced two area awards Preston Pursuaders received as a result of their preeminent performance in the area.

The helpers were, well… very helpful! Jyo winning the 5-Star Helper award for her role as Lexicologist shared tools to help us become better speakers through our vocabulary, praising those using the word of the day in unexpected places and ways.

Stephanie attended our Monday meeting even on her birthday. Having a member attend on their birthday shows the dedication and determination of this club and members. Of course we had to sing happy birthday to this very special lady.

Please join us next Monday (3/16) and plan to feel inspired and energized.

Ribbon Winners

5-Star Helper: Jyo
Best Evaluator: Susan
Best Table Topics: Ed
Best of the Big 3: Don
Best Speaker: Janak
Sparkplug: Melanie

January 26, 2015 Meeting

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Tonight's theme was "snow" and it was a fitting theme given the enormous snow storm headed for the Northeast. We learned a very unusual word, "gelid" an adjective describing something very cold. The guests were out in force once more as we see more and more people interested in the Preston Persuaders chapter of Toastmasters!

We heard three very passionate speeches! First, a very compelling speech about dreaming, where Don M. challenged us to not only dream but turn those dreams/ideas/goals into reality by being a person who follows through and does things with those dreams (a doer).

Next up, a speech on voting where Autumn J. compared the very common and popular voting in pop media, such as American Idol, with much of the political voting Americans are avoiding. She challenged us to speak loud and make a difference by voting in political elections.

Finally, a fantastic and very passionate speech by Jyo P. on the subject of integrity. She taught what it was to have integrity and challenged the audience to practice integrity to better their lives and the lives around them.

The table topics speeches were very passionate as well! Susan, the Best Table Topics speaker winner, moved us to be more passionate speakers, showing emotion and having conviction in our voices. The Spark Plug of the evening was our visitor Larry who delivered a fantastic, energetic table topics speech.

Evaluators, perhaps the most important of jobs, were spot on. Three veterans showed up who never disappoint. First was Mark's evaluation. Mark gave Don tools to improve his speeches even more. Brian gave Autumn great pointers on bringing props or other items to improve her speech quality even more. Patrick very naturally delivered the evaluation for Jyo, giving pointers to improve an already great speech.

A very fun night, as usual, and not too gelid for the audience and our many guests.

Join us next Monday at Preston Persuaders!

Ribbon Winners

5-Star Helper: Janak
Best Evaluator: Patrick
Best Table Topics: Susan
Best of the Big 3: Ed
Best Speaker: Don
Sparkplug: Larry (guest)