July 21, 2014 Meeting

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This week's theme was U.S. Immigration, and Toastmaster Rick shared informative statistics to give us another side of the issue than we may typically see in the media. Our Taple Topics participants found creative ways to incorporate the word of the day, repatriation, into their speed-dating question topics (thanks for that fun topic, Mickey!), and we learned yogic breathing, win-win negotiation skills, and how to use a microphone like a pro from the scheduled speakers. 

Durai demonstrated several yogic breathing techniques to reduce stress and improve health. You can learn more about some of the techniques Durai mentioned at DoYogaWithMe.com.

Lisa taught us how to prepare for and execute a win-win negotiation. Her tips were to know what you want ahead of time, know what the other person wants and some objections they may have so you can be prepared to address their concerns and offer compromises, and know at what point you will withdrawl from the negotiation - know your bottom line. 

Melanie shared the proper way to adjust a microphone stand, how to hold the microphone, and some additional things to consider when you're speaking using a mic. Some of her helpful hints are to hold the mic with your fingertips, at an angle as if it is an extension of your chin, and from 1 to 3 finger-widths away from your face. You can practice your mic technique by videotaping your speech while holding a hairbrush. Notice if you drop the mic down at any point or forget to hold it in front of your mouth when you turn your head.

Congratulations to Chris J. for serving as General Evaluator for the first time! You did an awesome job! And of course, thank you to all of our members and guests who helped make the meeting fun, friendly, and informative. It's always a great way to spend Monday evening!

Ribbon Winners

Best Speaker: Melanie
Best Evaluator: Brian
Best of the Big 3: Mickey
Best Table Topics Speaker: Janak
5-Star Helper: Susan
Sparkplug: Janak